Legal information – Terms and conditions

Editor:  MARKEN TRADING / Derrière La Porte
Head office: 9 Avenue de La Paix – 92120 MONTROUGE - FRANCE
Telephone: +33(0)
Trade Register number: R.C.S Nanterre 384 980 538 
Simplified stock company with capital of €50,000 
Director of publication: Thierry AUFFRET 

Web host: ONLINE
Adress : Online SAS - BP 438 - 75366 Paris CEDEX 08 - RCS Paris B 433 115 904

Protection of personal data
All information entered on the website is kept strictly confidential.  No data will ever be provided to a third party. undertakes to respect the confidentiality of all personal data and to handle it in compliance with the French Law on “Informatique et liberté”, dated 6 January 1978. 
Furthermore, in accordance with the French Law on “Informatique et liberté”, dated 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and amend your personal information.  You may exercise this right by sending a postal mail to: Derrière La Porte – site DLP - 9 Avenue de La Paix - 92120 MONTROUGE – France. 
Data on website traffic is collected only in order to analyze the frequency of visits to different pages so as to improve their content.  No data relating to browsing is kept in connection with the visitor’s personal information. 

Intellectual property
The presentation and content of this website taken together constitute a work protected by current French law on intellectual property.
The website is the property of Marken Trading / Derrière La Porte which is the owner of all related rights.  The products and their characteristics, and the photographs and images on the site are the property of Marken Trading / Derrière La Porte. Consequently, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation or transfer to a third party, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of the site’s content without the written consent of Marken Trading / Derrière La Porte is strictly forbidden.  Similarly, the integration of hypertext links to all or any part of the site is strictly prohibited without the same prior written consent.
Derrière La Porte is a registered trademark.

Marken Trading / Derrière La Porte does all in its power to offer reliable and verified information to visitors to its website.  However, despite all the precautions taken, there may be inexact, incomplete, incorrect or out of date information on the website. None of the photographs, features and documents illustrating products offered on this site are contractually binding.  We appreciate all comments from visitors to this website regarding any omissions, errors or corrections, using the “Contact us” web form.  
All elements presented on this website are subject to modification without notice.  No such modification may give rise to a claim for compensation.
Marken Trading / Derrière La Porte may not be held liable in the event of difficulty in accessing the site or interrupted connections, regardless of the cause.  Similarly, Marken Trading / Derrière La Porte may not be held liable for any damage or virus infecting your computer or any other electronic component as a result of the use of, access to or downloads from this site.                                                                     
Under all circumstances and in accordance with the conditions of use, the user of this website and the information it contains is solely responsible for such use; Marken Trading / Derrière La Porte may in no way be held liable for any direct or indirect damage of any kind resulting partially or wholly from the use of this site, from the impossibility of access to this site or from any error or omission in its content.