Petits Grains 

Sweet lightness

Because it takes very little to add a beautiful touch to life, Virginie brings her little joyful and poetic « grains » to everyday objects. 

After having studied arts appliqués in Lyon, Virginie wanted to see how it was elsewhere. A studio opportunity pushed her to go to the capital and look for a job there. Starting as a graphist in an advertisement company, she discovers the joys of illustrating and decides to settle free-lance with her husband, an illustrator, too. But the woman from the Albigeois region feels homesick, and the couple decides to move back to Lyon to start their own communication agency.

Everything happens for a reason. Thanks to a client in search of new ideas for his photo albums, Virginie renews contacts with illustrations by submitting her creations. She immediately recovers the pleasure of look deeper into a theme, looking for ideas, words and visuals necessary to hold her story and make it function. At this moment, everything inspires her: design, fashion, cinema, literature… life in general. Having one foot in childhood and her head in the clouds, Virginie is fond of colors, red in particular, and makes the most of all its nuances: vermillion, cherry, carmine, grenadine, poppy, redcurrant, tomato. Her constant search after new collaborations and adventures with brands she is fond of, the young woman approaches DLP. She likes its fresh and colorful world, sprinkled of small fanciful, humorous and cheerful touches. In her image.