Sophie Dollé 

Naturally cheerful

Expert in assembling colors, Sophie Dollé takes us into her enthusiastic world inhabited by funny and heart-warming characters.

Sophie Dollé leaves her native Normandy at the age of 20 for Paris where she enrolls in a drawing course. She first attends Penninghen for two years, and then joins the Charpentier workshop that was more suited to her personality. Subsequently, she plunges into illustration work, a work that she realizes traditionally using painting and drawing so as to fulfill her appetence for colors that she likes to manipulate. Indeed, Sophie has always drawn little characters, paying particular attention to expressions, motifs and colors. Her sobriety, clear lines and unaffected style result in a simple style of drawing.  She prefers strong colors such as red. But in reality she finds all colors interesting, and appreciates grey particularly because of the variety of nuances and amazing combinations it allows to create. She finds inspiration in daily life, comic strips and children’s books that she reads abundantly since her son’s birth.

After a break to take care of her baby and having moved to Nantes to be closer to the sea, Sophie started illustrating again, this time bringing computer technology to her work. She draws with a pencil, scans her work and uses a computer program to retouch her drawing. She experiments –though always timidly- different techniques, such as the stylus. In fact, she does not want to sacrifice spontaneity and genuineness and likes her drawings to be punctuated with the little flaws that make a work so full of charm, tenderness and humor. Sophie’s illustrations, 2D and colored line drawings, always delight us. That is why her collaboration with DLP was, after all, a natural consequence of her work.